Comprehension and Spoken English

Université Sidi Mohamed BenAbdellah
Faculté Des Lettres et Sciences Humaines- Sais * Fes
Comprehension and Spoken English (Fall 2011, S1)

Professor : Maddie Koch
Time: Tuesday, 10am-1pm
Location: Amphi Ibn Batouta

Course Description
This course introduces the student to comprehension skills in English. It trains the student in understanding different structures of meaning, style features, lexis and logic of construction in both written and spoken English.

At the end of this course, students will be able to:
-guess vocabulary from context
-identify the main idea and supporting ideas of a variety of texts
-understand a variety of oral communication, including various media and formal/informal situations
-be able to respond spontaneously to written and oral prompts
-learn strategies for simple dictations and note-taking

Required Materials to bring to class
-an English dictionary
-this course packet
-notepaper, pen/pencil, folder

Grade Distribution
20% attendance, class participation, in-class exercises
40% mid-term
40% final exam

Honor Code
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in this class. If you are found plagiarizing or cheating you will automatically fail this course. Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words, or work as one’s own. “Helping” a friend does not mean allowing them to copy your work. You will learn about the difference between plagiarism and paraphrasing in this class. If you are having trouble, ask for help. Do not rely on others to do the work for you.